Snow is a beautiful thing, it seems to quiet the world and can expose once hidden beauty. But it is also a noticeable burden, making all paths and roadways impassable until it is cleared. It is something that must be coped with, snow was made for shoveling.
In our masonic careers, and in life, we will come across our own “snowfalls” that require our diligent work. Obstacles in our path that make the road ahead seem treacherous, but can be maneuvered through with a bit of hard work and determination. Shovel the snow, my Brother. Turn up your collar, put your boots on, and get to work. Once that work is done, you can sit back and enjoy the scenery for all its beauty.
Snow Shovelers vs Salt Spreaders
Once the heavy lifting is done, salting a walkway or a road makes it more palpable to the next passerby. It’s a finishing touch that can be neglected, but when done often proves worth it. Refining our hard work should always be part of our daily lives. Reviewing and assessing our labors can help us to make improvements in future endeavors, as well as increase the usefulness of the current focus.
The major difference between the two, once the work is complete, is that while the snow shoveler gets some credit, the salt spreader is often praised for making a walkway perfect for traversing. Doing the work vs finishing the work. The salt not only makes the sidewalk easier to walk on, it also melts the future snow and makes the next round of shoveling a little bit easier.
In this world, there are plenty of snow shovelers and plenty of salt spreaders. When the two are separate and vying for the accolades of a job well done, harmony may be hard to find. When the two are in sync with each other and peacefully go about their labors, they, and the world around them, benefit greatly. When the two are embodied by the same individual, a true masterpiece can be formed.
Shovel the snow. Spread the salt.
Bro. R. J. Hughes is the Worshipful Master of Armstrong Lodge #239 in Freeport, PA. He is King of Orient Holy Royal Arch Chapter #247, Principle Conductor of Work of Kittanning Council #52 and a member of Holyrood Commandery #100, all in Kittanning, PA. He is also a member of the Pennsylvania Lodge of Research and the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania’s Academy of Masonic Knowledge where he is a Level 1 Master Masonic Scholar. Bro. R. J. can be reached by email at