27th District Blog

Here we share additional information about our upcoming events sponsored by our Lodges and news from District 27.

The 27th is a district rich with thoughtful and passionate brothers. In this blog these Pennsylvania Freemasons share the activities of their lodges, and express their thoughts and opinions on Masonic values, teachings, history and news. *The thoughts expressed in this blog in no way represent the position of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania nor of any other Grand Lodge

DDGM Steve Fulton Visits Williamson Lodge No. 431
Brother Steven A. Fulton DDGM stops in to attend a Stated Meeting of Williamson Lodge No 431. "it's always a pleasure[...]
The District Deputy Begins His Official Visits for 2023
On Tuesday, March 7th, the Officers and members of Kittanning-East Brady Lodge No. 244 were honored to receive Bro. Steven[...]
Williamson Lodge No. 431 Welcomes Its Newest Master Mason
Brother Eric A. Palmer P.M. the Worshipful Master, the Officers, and members of Williamson Lodge No. 431 in Saltsburg, PA[...]
Apollo Lodge No. 437 Confers 3 Entered Apprentice Mason Degrees
It was a busy night at Apollo Lodge No. 437 in Apollo, PA. They conferred 3 Entered Apprentice Degrees, thus[...]
Williamson Lodge 431 Confers 1st Second Degree of 2023
Williamson Lodge 431 Saltsburg recently conferred its 1st second degree of 2023.Back row: Kenneth L McClain, PM. Michael P ODell,[...]
Brother Harold J. Jackson, Sr. P.M. receives 75-Year Diamond Jubilee Emblem
Brother Steven A. Fulton, District Deputy Grand Master of Pa. Masonic District No. 27 was honored to present Brother Harold[...]
DDGM Honors 60 & 50 Year Members During Official Visit to Seneca Lodge No. 805
Brother Steven Fulton DDGM was honored to visit Seneca Lodge No. 805 and present 60 & 50 Year Masonic Service[...]
Samuel Davis Bequest Awarded to the Family of the late Bro. John L. Penrod of Argyle Lodge No. 540
On July 9, 2021, Bro. Steven A. Fulton, District Deputy Grand Master of the 27th Masonic District, assisted by Officers[...]
DDGM Visits Apollo Lodge No. 437
Bro. Steven A. Fulton, DDGM visited his home Lodge of Apollo Lodge #437 for his last official visit of the[...]
Bro. Steven A. Fulton, District Deputy Grand Master Continues His 2020 Tour of the District
Bro. Steven A. Fulton, DDGM of PA. Masonic District 27 had his Official Visitation at Indiana/Franklin Lodge #313. He was[...]
District Deputy Grand Master Makes his First Official Visit of the Year
Bro. Steven A. Fulton, District Deputy Grand Master made his first Official Visitation of the year to Seneca Lodge #805.[...]
District 27 Welcomes Two Newly-Raised Master Masons
What an exciting and inspiring night in Freemasonry! Last night we conferred Master Mason Degrees on Skyler Zimmerman and Alex[...]
Argyle Lodge Members Honored during Visit by DDGM Steve Fulton
Proficiency Award BestowedBrother Steven A. Fulton DDGM presented Brother Eric L. Walker, Past Master of Argyle Lodge No. 540 with[...]