DDGM Visits Apollo Lodge No. 437

By PA Masonic District 27

June 18, 2021

Bro. Steven A. Fulton, DDGM visited his home Lodge of Apollo Lodge #437 for his last official visit of the year. He was welcomed by Bro. Ronald S. Townsend, Jr. PM/WM along with the Officers and Members of the Lodge. He was accompanied by various Worshipful Masters and other Officers of Pa. Masonic District 27.

The District Deputy presented Bro. Harold J. Jackson, Jr. and Bro. Kenneth B. Cyphert with their 50 Year Service Emblems of Gold. These Emblems of Service are presented to Brethren who have served in the ranks of the Masonic Fraternity for a period of 2 score and 10 years.

It is with honor to themselves and our Fraternity that they have served God, their Country, their neighbor, and themselves. Congratulation Brothers on achieving this distinction!

The official visit was followed by fellowship and the enjoyment of ice cream, strawberry and peaches in the dining hall. Also with a little whipped cream because we like a little flair. 

The Officers and Members of Apollo Lodge #437 would like to thank Bro. Stephen A. Fulton, DDGM for taking the time to visit the Lodge.

PA Masonic District 27

About the author

The membership of the eight lodges of PA Masonic District 27 hail from the areas northeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in Butler, Armstrong, Indiana and Westmoreland Counties. You can learn more about becoming a Freemason in our District by visiting the Grand Lodge of PA: https://pagrandlodge.org

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